- Even though you ended your first model or your fifth one, your experience can enlighten one of your colleagues. He is walking on a road you already know. You will be happy to be able to tell him where are the traps.
- This table is not the implementation of a forum. The exchanges between subscribers are strictly personal.
- By clicking the yellow number, you enter a page which shows you one photo of the model and the names of the subscribers who built her.
- By clicking the name of one of the builders, you can send him a personal message.
- Do not hesitate to send me the names of your models, there is still a lot of room.
Subscribers' Models
Models Scale Manufacturers Subscribers Albatros 1:40 Mantua 1 America 1:66 Mamoli 1 Amerigo Vespucci 1:84 Mantua 1 Amphion 1:40 Corel 1 Arme 82 1:40 Mantua 1 Astrolabe 1:50 Mantua 1 Atlantic 1:89 Bluejacket 2 Bluenose 1:64 Model Shipways 1 Bluenose 1:65 Billing Boats 1 Bluenose II 1:75 Artesania Latina 2 Candelaria 1:85 OcCre 1 Canonnière hollandaise 1:43 Mantua 1 Chaloupe armée 1:50 Panart / Mantua 2 Chébec 1:48 Mantua 1 Chébec - L'Indiscret 1:35 Aeropiccola 1 Chébec - Le Requin (1750) 1:40 Monographie ANCRE 1 Chris-Craft 1:24 Dumas 1 Colin Archer 1:15 Billing Boats 3 Endeavour (America Cup) 1:50 Amati 1 Golden Star 1:150 Mantua 2 Golden Hind 1:75 Scientific 1 H.M.S. Bellona 1:100 Billing Boats 1 H.M.S. Bounty 1:60 Amati 2 H.M.S. Endeavour 1:60 Artesania Latina 3 H.M.S. Fly 1:64 Billing Boats 1 H.M.S. Sovereign of the Seas 1:78 Sergal 1 H.M.S. Sovereign of the Seas 1:64 Amati plans 1 H.M.S. Surprise 1:48 Artesania Latina 1 H.M.S. Terror 1:75 Occre 1 H.M.S. Unicorn 1:75 Corel 1 H.M.S. Victory 1:90 Mamoli 1 H.M.S. Victory 1:75 JoTiKa 1 H.M.S. Victory 1:84 Artesania Latina 1 H.M.S. Warrior 1:100 Billing Boats 1 Harvey 1:58 Artesania Latina 1 Hermione 1:89 Artesania Latina 2 La Licorne 1:72 Hachette 1 Llaut 1:26 Corel 1 Mare Nostrum 1:35 Artesania Latina 1 Marie-Jeanne 1:50 Artesania Latina 1 Mississippi Paddle Steamer 1:50 Sergal 1 Nina 1:50 Mantua 1 Pinta 1:50 Mantua 1 Pourquoi Pas 1:80 Constructo 1 Red Dragon 1:60 Artesania Latina 1 Renard (Le) 1:50 Artesania Latina 1 Renard (Le) 1:50 Soclaine 2 Royal Caroline 1:47 Panart 1 San Francisco II 1:84 Artesania Latina 1 San Francisco II 1:90 Constructo 1 San Mateo 1:90 Constructo 1 Sanson 1:50 Artesania Latina 1 Santa Maria 1:65 Artesania Latina 1 Soleil Royal 1:70 Altaya 2 Sultan 1:60 Artesania Latina 1 Superbe (Le) 1:75 Mantua 1 Supply 1:35 Artesania Latina 1 Swift 1:50 Artesania Latina 1 Toulonnaise 1:50 Artesania Latina 1 Toulonnaise 1:75 Corel 1 U.S. Brig Niagara 1:64 Model Shipways 2 U.S.S. Constitution 1:78 Model Shipways 1 U.S.S. Independence 1:35 Artesani Latina 1 Virginia 1:41 Artesani Latina 1 VSM063 1:20 New-Maquettes 1 Zenith 1:25 Soclaine 1 Copyright © Hubert Sicard